South West Balloon Flights
Balloon Rides Over Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Bristol, Bath, South Wales, Dorset & Wiltshire

Virgin Balloon Flights

From the 2023 season your hot air balloon flight will now take place with Virgin Balloon Flights who will be taking on our passengers and flight operations in the Southwest including Bristol, Bath & South Wales. Our Bailey Balloons and other balloons flying for Aerosaurus Balloons and South West Balloon Flights will be retired and instead you will fly in one of the iconic Virgin Balloons who have flown alongside us for many years.

Clive and Jo Bailey have decided, after a great deal of thought and deliberation, that after 28 years in passenger ballooning, to take the very difficult decision that it is time to step back and hand over the reins to someone else.

This means that those of you with existing valid flight vouchers will be able to book dates for Bristol, Bath, South Wales, Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. They also have many locations all over the country that you will now be able to choose from.

The transfer of our passenger data to Virgin Balloon Flights is in progress and is expected to take a few days, so please go to your log in page  after that and we will have a link for you in your record to activate your voucher(s) with Virgin Balloon Flights.

Thank you from all of us at Bailey Balloons for the past 27 or so years – We know you’re in excellent hands with Virgin Balloon Flights.

With best wishes

Bailey Balloons and South West Balloon Flights Team